WooCommerce Quick View and Buy Now


WooCommerce Quick View and Buy Now

A powerful plugin which helps to enhance the purchase experience at your store.
The plugin offers Quick View popups to easily display the product details in shop and archive pages without the need to click on each product’s link and go through each product page.
The plugin also offers Buy Now buttons to apply single click purchase.
{inAds} it allows to customize every product redirect link after adding to cart, changing the Label of its buttons and many more.


Loop Buy Now

Display Buy Now button for simple products in shop and archive pages

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Screen Loader

Display loading screen while buy now process and quick view popup is showing up

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Custom Quantity Input

Use custom quantity input styles

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  • Quick View: add Quick View button to display a popup for each product, customize the popup open and close animation, enable – disable each product’s quick-view-button

  • Popups Queue: clients can open other products popups inside a popup while keeping track of the previous products popups

  • Buy Now: Add Buy Now button to each product in the Quick View popup and in single product page with an option to redirect each product to a custom link or redirect to checkout page

  • Simple Product Quantity: An option to display Quantity input field for each simple product in shop and archive page [ works with AJAX and refresh add to cart ]

  • Custom Redirect: Every product can be redirect to a custom link after Add-To-Cart or Buy-Now

  • Cart in Checkout: Option to display Cart table in checkout page

  • Buttons Labels: Available options to change the labels of the Add-To-Cart | Buy-Now | Quick-View buttons for each product

  • Style: All classes are used in the buttons and the popup are listed in the settings page with the option to add custom styles

  • Archive Buy Now Button Add Buy Now buttons to simple and bundle products in archive pages.

  • YITH Bundle products Compatibility

  • Loading Screen

  • Custom Quantity Field Styles

Updates History:

Version 2.2.1 | 2022.4.10 => Small fix for buy now button in quick view popup

Version 2.2.0 | 2022.4.10 => Screen Loading , Custom Quantity Field , Enhance Styles

Version 2.1.6 | 2022.6.26 => Improve Loop Buy Now Button – UI Tweaks

Version 2.1.5 | 2022.6.17 => Loop Buy Now Button

Version 2.1.4 | 2022.6.14 => Quick View Compatibility – Enhance popup styles – buttons shortcodes

Version 2.0.4 | 2022.6.2 => Some refactors to avoid Themes conflicts

Version 2.0.3 | 2022.3.2 => Update the simple Buy Now button | Resolve Theme Conflict

Version 2.0.2 | 2022.18.1 => Fix external product redirect link in quickview popup | Test to latest WP and WOO version

Version 1.0.0 | 2021.05.12

* First Release

Compatible Browsers
Software Version
Demo URL
High ResolutionYes
Files IncludedJavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Video Preview Resolution

{getCard} $type={download} $title={Download WooCommerce Quick View and Buy Now} $info={76.9Mb} $button={Download Free}

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